Another Mindless Moment

Seems I’ve been having a lot of these lately.

Tonight, when I was preparing dinner, going through canisters to find some jasmine rice, I came across those plastic measuring cups – the ½, ¼ and 1/8 th cups all nested within each other – the cups that had gone missing for a week or so. I remember the moment after I misplaced them, thinking, “Whoops, they’re gone,” like they’d slipped off the edge of reality. Had I rescued them in that moment, I’d not have had the days since, occasionally searching and wondering, “Where did they go?”

I just texted “The Scientist,” who’s now in San Francisco on a short business trip because he, too, had been a member of the search party. He of the ever- light heart, humorously suggested I admonish “the girls” (our dogs) for moving my stuff. My reply, texting as I laughed, was it was me in a mindless moment, and maybe what I should’ve called my blog!

Millions of mindless moments when I’m cruising on autopilot… preoccupied with some inner non-sense…habitually worrying…or…or simply empty and not thinking of anything at all.

P1000979This just came to me as I typed…mind empty, not thinking about the past or future. Isn’t that what meditation is about?  A bit of that cloudless blue sky…seeing through to it, seeing it through, the edges of a mind full of otherness?

4 thoughts on “Another Mindless Moment

    • I’m not sure, Sharon…making oatmeal, anticipating the taste…in the future, not the present, that’s for sure. And the profound experience that many of us have of knowing exactly the moment when we derail! Thanks!


  1. Mindless moment….hhmmmm…..and here i thought it was someone sneaking into our home and moving my things just to drive me crazy 🙂 Always good to know that I am not alone in my idiosyncrasies 🙂


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